GC Portal Home Contact IT Services SUMMER FEDERAL DIRECT LOAN REQUEST FORM All fields marked with an * (asterisk) are required and must be entered. First Name* Last Name* CUNY First ID* Date of Birth (MM/dd/yyyy)* CUNY Email Address* Street Address* Apt No. City* State* Postal Code* Program* Select Program Audiology Cognitive Neuroscience Digital Humanities International Migration Journalism MA MALS SLU Graduate SLU Undergraduate Social Journalism MA Women's and Gender Studies Previous Borrowing Have you ever received a Federal Stafford Loan (formerly Guaranteed Student Loan) or a Federal Direct Loan (prior to this application)?* Yes No (Pre-Loan Interview Required) Graduate Students Only: Have you ever received a Federal Grad PLUS loan? Yes No , Grad PLUS Pre-Loan Interview Required Anticipated Enrollment Status Note: Please register before submitting this form Credits (must be registered for 6 credits)* Residency In State Out of State Expected Date of Graduation ExpectedGradDateMonth* Select Month January December May June August ExpectedGradDateYear* Select Year 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 Subsidized Loan (undergraduate only) Amount Maximum for which I qualify An amount not to exceed UnSubsidized Loan Amount Maximum for which I qualify An amount not to exceed Grad PLUS Loan Amount Maximum for which I qualify An amount not to exceed Applicant CertificationMy typed signature and date below certifies that I understand that this is a loan request form, not a promissory note. If I am a first-time Direct Loan borrower, I must fill out, sign, and return the Master Promissory Note (MPN). If I have a multi-year MPN on file with the U.S. Department of Education, I am not required to sign a new MPN unless my MPN is about to expire or has expired. Further, I understand that my eligibility for Federal Direct Loans will be determined by the Office of Financial Aid based on Federal eligibility and need analysis requirements. Should differences exist among your loan request information, loan related documents, your FAFSA and or related information, your typed signature below gives the Financial Aid Office permission to make adjustments electronically to your FAFSA application. Student Applicant's Typed Signature* Date (MM/dd/yyyy)*