
The CUNY Academy Travel Awards 2024-2025

The CUNY Academy is pleased to announce our annual travel awards to support faculty presentations at academic conferences. CUNY Faculty at all levels are invited to apply, including adjuncts, lecturers, assistant professors and associate professors - please indicate below which award you are applying for.

These awards can only support travel away from home for a professional conference; we cannot reimburse virtual conference fees. These awards can only be used if you are presenting at the conference; we cannot fund travel to attend only. Please note the current CUNY Travel guidance on Domestic and International Travel .

Only one request should be made per applicant. Funding is limited to $500 per person.

Applicants may not be employed full-time elsewhere. Applicants must certify that they are not receiving other funds to support the same travel expenses.

The travel in question must take place between September 1, 2024 and August 31, 2025. Receipts must be submitted within 30 days of travel or else faculty risk rescinding the award.

Please direct any questions to cunyacademy@gc.cuny.edu.


